
Friday, May 27, 2011

Things I miss from the USA

  1. Ice. Definitely #1. I miss ice in my drink so bad.
  2. Macaroni and cheese. Haven't seen it yet. I'm craving it. The kind with Spiderman shapes. Those taste the best.
  3. Hearty breakfasts. Breakfasts in Belgium (or as far as I've experience) are fruit, bread with chocolate spread, or cereal. Now, I love chocolate spread, and I love cereal, but I could kill for a large ham, bacon, and spinach omelette. Now, before you ask, no, waffles are not a choice for breakfast. They're not breakfast food at all in Belgium. They're more of a dessert. I haven't gotten my first Belgian waffle yet, I'm waiting until I go to the Grand Place for a very particular store, but waffles are very much dessert. They come with whipped cream, chocolate, strawberries, sugar, cream, everything.
  4. Important signs in English. I know French decently, but a lot of times, there are words I don't know and I end up standing in the middle of the road, trying to figure out which way to go.
  5. Less aggressive drivers. The driving here: terrifying. Every time I cross a road, I think I'm going to die. There's very little street lights in Brussels, and people just sorta go through intersections on their own and have many near-misses and horns blown. There's pedestrian walk signs, but drivers don't stop for them unless they're about to hit a person. Drivers also swerve in and out of lanes, and sometimes drive on the curb or sidewalk to get past someone slower than them.
  6. You.
EDIT: Also, I just found out I can't watch Netflix, Hulu, or listen to Pandora here. :( American companies, come ON! So much money could be made!

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